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Diva Smart ELV+ Dimmer Switch for Caseta Systems, 250W LED/400VA MLV/500W ELV, 120V, Black

Diva Smart ELV+ Dimmer Switch for Caseta Systems, 250W LED/400VA MLV/500W ELV, 120V, Black

Regular price $129.95 USD
Regular price Sale price $129.95 USD
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The Lutron Diva smart ELV dimmer for Caseta is the perfect dimmer for nearlyany residential light source overhead undercabinet toe kick or tracklighting. The Diva smart ELV dimmer switch works with up to 250W of dimmableLED 500W of electronic low voltage ELV incandescent halogen or 400Watt ofmagnetic low voltage MLV . A neutral wire connection is only required for ELVload types for other load types such as LED MLV and incandescent a neutralwire connection is optional; a 10 Watt minimum load required for all load types.This dimmer is pre programmed to reverse phase for ELV however the dimmer sphase selectable output can be changed to forward phase for MLV with simplebutton press programming directly on the dimmer or the Lutron app. Diva smartdimmers for Caseta systems are designed with the look of Lutron Diva LED dimmers and match existing paddle style dimmers and switches for a classic lookthroughout any home. The Diva smart dimmers feature an on off paddle styleswitch and a captive slider to raise lower lights to a preset light level. Thesoft glow lightbar indicates the current status and light level of the dimmer which can also be used to locate the dimmer in the dark. Similar to the Divasmart dimmer ELV Diva smart dimmers have flexible wiring options and can bewired in single pole or multi location applications. Create a new 3 way orreplace an existing one with the Diva smart dimmer switch. Pair a Pico wirelessremote to your dimmer switch and mount the Pico to the bracket on almost anysurface no cutting holes or pulling wire required remote and bracket soldseparately . Use Claro smart accessory switches DVRF AS or existing switchesfor 3 way applications for 4 way circuits Claro accessory switches arerequired . Activate Caseta dimmers to the Lutron Smart Hub L BDG2 WH L BDGPRO2 WH for advanced features like schedules timers scenes and syncwith voice assistants Alexa Siri or Google to control lights. Available in 6gloss colors ; coordinating wall plate and other accessories sold separately.Features: Includes: One 1 Diva ELV smart dimmer for Caseta systems; Gloss finish Works with up to 250W of dimmable LED 500W ELV Incandescent Halogen or 400W MLV; Phase Select available Neutral Required; 120V Single Pole 3 Way; Use Claro smart accessory switches DVRF AS or existing switches for 3 way applications for 4 way circuits Claro accessory switches are required Create a new wireless 3 way without having to pull any wire by pairing a Pico paddle remote PJ2 P2B and mounting it to the bracket PICO WBX ADAPT Captive slider raises lowers lights to set preset levels; soft glow lightbar helps find control in the dark Pair up to ten 10 Pico Remotes or Caseta motion sensors to one 1 Lutron Caseta dimmer switch limitations reflect when no Lutron Smart Hub installed Lutron Clear Connect does not rely on wi fi and is ultra fast and ultra reliable avoid repeat service calls Activate to a Lutron Smart Hub L BDG2 WH L BDGPRO2 WH for advanced features like schedules timers scenes and sync with voice assistants Amazon Alexa Apple Siri or Google Assistant to control lights Coordinates perfectly with Lutron Claro wall plates for consistent color matching wall plates are sold separately

Color: Black

Wattage: 250

Location: 3 Way

Finish: Gloss

Voltage: 120v
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