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Original 3-Button Pico Smart Remote w/ Raise/Lower and Preset, w/ Light Icons, White, BAA Compliant

Original 3-Button Pico Smart Remote w/ Raise/Lower and Preset, w/ Light Icons, White, BAA Compliant

Regular price $55.56 USD
Regular price Sale price $55.56 USD
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Lutron Pico Smart Remotes are a convenient way to provide wireless control fordevices within Lutron Residential systems such as: Caseta Wireless RA 2 Select RadioRA 3 and HomeWorks; as well as Commercial systems like Lutron s ViveWireless. This 3 Button Pico with Raise Lower features pre engraved light iconsand can turn lights On Off raise and lower intensity or adjust lights to afavorite pre determined preset light level from anywhere in the room. Theseremotes are battery operated CR2032 included and have a 10 year battery life.You can use the Pico as a handheld remote mount it on a wall or attach it to atabletop pedestal Accessories sold separately . You can also use this remotecontrol to turn on the lights from the safety of your car as you arrive home.Pico remotes utilize Lutron s proprietary and highly reliable Clear Connect:Type A RF Technology which provide control of blinds curtains or lightingdevices within a range of 30 ft 9 m through walls and 60 ft 18 m directline of sight. BAA Compliant.Features: Includes 1 Pico Remote control; Gloss Finish BAA Compliant Features 3 buttons with Raise Lower and Preset with pre engraved light icons Use as handheld remote attach to a tabletop pedestal L PED1 WH or mount any surface with the Pico wall box adapter PICO WBX ADAPT or car visor PICO CARVISOR CL ; Accessories sold separately Fits within a standard designer wall plate opening CW 1 xx and can mount to any surface use PICO WBX ADAPT without cutting holes or running wire Utilizes Lutron s proprietary and highly reliable Clear Connect: Type A RF Technology Remote has 10 year battery life CR2032 battery included Provides control of blinds curtains or lighting devices within a range of 30 ft 9 m through walls and 60 ft 18 m direct line of sight Pairs perfectly with Lutron Claro wall plates for consistent color matching wall plates are sold separately Lutron 3 Button with Raise Lower and Preset Pico Smart Remote with Light Icons White BAA Compliant

Finish: Gloss

Color: White
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